Wednesday, July 12, 2006


The Be Good Tanyas were not true to their name unfortunately. But all was not lost. Son Volt was pretty good, and after the show my friend Locon and I ran into my massage therapist, a great guy. I had agreed to drive Locon back to work, so the massage therapist came along for the ride. Then we went out for a drink. It was quite fun, and felt like vacation- even though it is only semi-vacation.

I never cease to be amazed by the varied and outrageous behaviours of the human animal. In any given day, I can swing from feeling completely inspired to overwhelmingly jaded and cynical. We’ll leave it at that.

Tabby T


Blogger Unknown said...

You are not the only one Tabs...not to be mean or anything. But I totally understand....going from somewhat normal to having anxiety/panick attacks is no fun either...and that was way before the little guy was born!

1:30 AM  

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